One of the keys to happiness lies hidden within us. This key is the importance of knowing and loving one’s self.

So much of the time we are on automatic pilot living by rote. Not really conscious of what we are doing, believing or even if the rules we are following fit us anymore. So much of what we have learned comes from authorities like our parents, out dated ideas, culture, religion or fear.

Have you updated or even questioned the things you believe or do. Authenticity is an ongoing journey. The power to be ourselves is one of the greatest powers in the world. Striving for authenticity is not necessarily easy.  It is a journey, a day to day, moment to moment choice, a becoming rather than an ending. Authenticity restores the power to the individual.  To be oneself is a natural human and universal power, which brings with it so many blessings.

There is power and importance in self-love because a person who respects and values themselves is also going to do the same for others. As we learn to and practise being respectful of ourselves, kind and appreciative of ourselves, more loving and honest with ourselves, we find we have more confidence, which in turn creates more empowerment, which allows us more access to our intuition and we make better choices.

So the most important Key we need to learn is to love ourselves, respect ourselves, appreciate ourselves, have compassion for and patience with ourselves! This assists us in being honest and in integrity which allows us to be real and authentic in our world and opens us up to even more love and happiness than we have ever known.

When we do what is truly best in our hearts for ourselves it is best for everyone else to, even if they do not like it. Being authentic means not going for the like, it means going for the respect. It means saying what you need to say without knowing how they will respond. It means loving yourself enough to be real and in order to do that you have to get to know yourself and who you really are. What do you like, value, believe and how do you operate from a place of truly respecting and loving yourself?

Couples Therapy, Relationship and Marriage Counselling Victoria BC, Nadine Hanchar

Nadine Hanchar helps individuals and businesses build better relationships, discover new choices, new perspectives, and create success. Nadine is a counsellor, consultant, speaker, and trainer with over 35 years’ experience helping others professionally. She is a bestselling author and specializes in working with trauma, abuse, relationship issues, and communication. Learn more at and connect with Nadine on FacebookLinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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